Thursday, 01 January 2015 12:05

Careless player 10 most anticipated releases of 2015

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So in 2015, which promises to give gamers more than 200 titles steep. From this diversity action, racing, RPG head can go around instantly.

Editorial Droider decided to help make the right

selection and shows 10 must-have games coming 365 days.

Battlefield Hardline

Publisher: EA;
Genre: First Person Shooter;
Release: March 17 - PC / PlayStation 4 / PlayStation3 / Xbox One / Xbox 360;
Meaning: to fight criminals;
Interesting facts: The script for Battlefield Hardline was written in 2000-2001 (when the game was known inside the studio called Urban Combat), but the release was constantly postponed.

No Man's Sky

Publisher: Hello Games;
Genre: Science Fiction;
Release: 2015 - PC / PlayStation 4 / Xbox One;
Meaning: to explore outer space;
Interesting facts: in the exhibition E3 2014 game was nominated in three categories - "Best game of the exhibition," "Best Original Game" and "Best game from independent developers"; won the last two and received a special award as the most innovative game show.

Mortal Kombat X

Publisher: Warner Bros .;
Genre: Fighting;
Release: April 14 - PC / PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 / Xbox One / Xbox 360;
Meaning: at the end of the fight to make cool KO .;
Interesting facts: The tenth game in the main series of fighting games Mortal Kombat; trailer was the third most viewed on YouTube in the second quarter of 2014.

The Witcher III: Wild Hunt

Publisher: Namco Bandai Games;
Genre: CRPG;
Release: May 19 - PC / PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 / Xbox One / Xbox 360;
Meaning: to defeat evil and bring back the beloved;
Interesting facts: the plot involves 36 final states of the world, which may result in the player's actions; According to the developers, the third part of the series will combine linear plot and an open game world, which will be thirty times more than in the previous section; at the 31st Golden Joystick Awards ceremony game received a prize in the nomination "The most anticipated game".

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

Publisher: Konami;
Genre: Stealth Action;
Release: 2015 - PC / PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 / Xbox One / Xbox 360;
Meaning: to survive at any cost;
Interesting facts: Metal Gear Solid V was initially announced at the VGA 2012 called The Phantom Pain game as unknown Swedish studio Moby Dick Studio; acts as a producer Hideo Kojima; conference Kojima Station learned that will be present so-called "chicken mask" (Chicken Cap), which will be offered to the weak players.

Batman: Arkham Knight

Publisher: Warner Bros .;
Genre: action adventure;
Release: June 2 - PC / PlayStation 4 / Xbox One;
Meaning: to defeat evil and free Gotham;
Interesting facts: according to the creators, "Knight Arkham" complete series of Batman games, answering all the questions that arose among fans of the earlier parts of the story of the Dark Knight.

Star Wars: Battlefront

Publisher: EA;
Genre: First Person Shooter;
Release: fourth quarter 2015 - PC / PlayStation 4 / Xbox One;
Meaning: to survive at any cost;
Interesting facts: The third game in the series Star Wars: Battlefront; development was carried out since 2006.

Tom Clancy's The Division

Publisher: Ubisoft;
Genre: TPS, MMO RPG;
Release: 2015 - PC / PlayStation 4 / Xbox One;
Meaning: to stop the spread of the virus;
Interesting facts: the world Tom Clancy's The Division is structured so that the player will be chosen partner, the most appropriate style.

Project CARS

Publisher: Namco Bandai Games;
Genre: Racing;
Release: March 17 - PC / PlayStation 4 / Xbox One.Wii U;
Meaning: to become the first;
Interesting facts: the core budget of the game is out of the money players who have become members of the World of Mass Development (alternative Kickstarter); when creating a game studio Slightly Mad Studios consider the views of these riders, among them Ben Collins (Stig from Top Gear popular show on the channel BBC), Oliver Webb and Nicholas Hamilton (younger brother of Lewis Hamilton).

Resident Evil: Revelations 2

Publisher: Capcom;
Genre: Survival Horror;
Release: February 18 - PC / PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 / PSV / Xbox One / Xbox 360;
Meaning: to survive at any cost;
Interesting facts: game series, consisting of four episodes.

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