Editorial Droider popolzovavshis application and is ready to talk about 8 important reasons why you should try Inbox.
Writing as problem
That is the concept behind the e-mail client from Google. A similar implementation offers Mailbox, but the decision by the "Corporation of good" can be safely called smarter. Each new incoming message can "execute" swipe right or postponed. This approach stimulates keep mail in order to clean and timely messages. Thanks to B Inbox some users managed to clear the rubble of more than a thousand letters.
Deferred letters
Swipe to the left adds a letter or letters in the folder "Deferred". And it or they will be there until the selected script will not make again to move in the "Inbox". You can set the date, time and place, for which the application will need to provide access to geolocation.
"Fixing" the letter
Function as the air needed as lazy and business people. In the first case, while clearing the rubble of correspondence, it is possible to secure the important and all spam and delete unwanted messages again. People who daily receive many significant messages "consolidation" can help set priorities in the performance of certain tasks, as in the "Inbox" you can display only such letters.
Mail with low priority
If your box only, then surely there comes a variety of mailing of spam and from which there is no time to unsubscribe. Inbox automatically mark a message "non-priority" and places in the film "Inbox" at the bottom of the list. If you are not satisfied with the quality of filtration, the self can be set in the "Settings" recipients whose telegrams will be marked a low priority. By the way, other labels can also be adjusted at their own discretion.
Positioning itself to some extent the problem book, Inbox supports reminders that "catching up" of Google Now. They can be found in the "Deferred" exactly to the moment, until you are "at the right time and in the right place." After that they will be an eyesore in the "Inbox".
"Smart" search
The possibility that you may not feel the full, but less useful from this name it is impossible. Google has updated the utility search for letters and understands queries like "my next flight," "reserved room" and "phone Vasey Ivanov." The latter is likely to be tightened from the signature to the letter.
Grouping messages
About them it was mentioned above, when it came to non-priority letters. "Bundle" is very reminiscent of the label from Gmail. Moreover, creating a new group in the Inbox, it automatically appears on the label in the traditional postal service company. In Inbox uses advanced algorithms allocation, so quite a few times to delete or move messages from the group as a filter adjusted to personal choice. By default, the following groups: "Travel", "shopping", "Finance", "Social networks", "warning", "Forums", "Promotions" and "Non-priority". For most users, this is enough, but no one stops to create personal.
Web version Material Design
Despite the fact that the application for Android has been updated by Material Design, a web version of Gmail is still something of "greetings from zero." Inbox, available at