Friday, 31 October 2014 01:05

Droider Horror Story: the power of gadgets

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Gadgets are an integral part of human life. For us, it became commonplace to work on his laptop, evenings for your PC or console, fall asleep to the sounds of the TV and, of course, never give up

with a Smartphone. Communication with devices like any phenomenon can be excessive and even risky. And it's not about the loss of money due to the loss of the machine as something more valuable to ...

Especially for fans of dark and disturbing we found 5 vsamdelišnyh stories that are best suited for Halloween.

Hong Kong fever and Swedish midnight

One sultry August evening in Hong Kong a kind fellow, whose name is hidden from the press decided to treat themselves to a new game on čudozvone Galaxy S4. Before the young man will be back at the lodge, as the creation of branded Samsung flashed blue flame straight into his hands.

Смартфон Galaxy S4 от Samsung

Having hot scum away, the youngster that signed his own death warrant. After hitting the ground, the unit started scattering flames everywhere, sparing neither apartments nor the Mercedes coach in a stable priprâtannuû, neither of the owner. The latter still managed to revive the handlers fire, which came right on time.

Горящий ноутбук

Even more frightening story happened in cold Sweden. Kromešno-dark December night, mother and four children slept sweet sleep, never to wake up. This time lihodeem became "nespâŝij" notebook left by one of the children near the lodge. Cost only close his eyes, as the battery broke out of hell fire, greedy devouring everything around.

Dark waters

Gadgets often come in the Moon World human souls. Coming August 2014, when one of the offices of the Knights of the order of the golden-domed Moscow entered the dreaded call on Onežskuû Street, House 17. According to predan′e, coming back after a hard day, hostess discovered the young daughter bezdyhannoj.

Carefully searching the impure thoughts, the Knights turned to higher powers, who told that the Virgin during the ablutions with a miracle of technology-iPad, which was connected to the great network for recharging. Coincidence or not, but "the Apple device has fallen into a font, then a young died from the treacherous charms of electric current.

 Планшет iPad

Higher power order immediately remembered that evil "hardware" is not the first time that impinge on the human soul. In studenom February lad from far-predalekogo Seul incompatible with life also got injured. Locking myself in a dark font with the Tablet, good well done long died down. Parents ' hearts filled with anxiety, but the son did not respond to the call and prayers. Cracking the door, saw the unfortunate corpse. Having crept stealthily on èlektroprovodam, the death of stark's soul boy.


In July a young Ma Ajlûn caught in the icy embrace of Death, not paying attention to the quiet jingle extolling from the wire. Although rushed doctors and valiant custody order faster than the wind, but fate was to save the girl after a punishing shock.

 Смартфон iPhone 5

Power prideržaŝie converged on two versions: evil a power surge or a faulty wire wonder. But the family of the deceased did not leave a quest in tragedy and drew attention to Divo-divnoe-iPhone 5 from the masters of Cupertino. "Apple" magicians donated sufferers and publicly expressed their condolences.

The mystery of the boxes

However, there is a danger not only to the inhabitants of megacities. Not later than August 2010 year Indian Shepherd Gopal by name Gudžar in nature with a herd. And the water would all went well ... Late in the afternoon, when the boy failed to return from grazing, the villagers rushed to the quest. What was their surprise, when, instead of the villagers was found mutilated body and pieces of Nokia 1209.

 Мобильный телефон Nokia 1209

Valiant investigation decided that the 23-year-old lad fell victim to bombing the ill-fated vehicles, whose battery podlejšim way exploded.

Retribution in Chinese

Revenge is a dish that is served cold. And sometimes machetes. In this way, the buyer having been duped by the elected instead of the coveted iPhone 4-bogomerzkuû fake.

 iPhone 4

Deciding to use cunning, Mr Fang turned to torgašu of ways to snatch čudozvon for 200 Yuan, but has received goods to the shortcoming. Without hesitation, a distraught purchaser grabbed the knife and started lynching. Poohotivšis′ for the abuser, blinded by anger Chinese man has attacked a group of clandestine vendors of fake "apples". As a result, one person was stabbed to death and wounded another. Blessing healers came on time.

P.s: All history occurred during the event the participants sincerely condole with.

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