Monday, 10 November 2014 22:05

Google leased the least bandwidth and NASA'S hangars at 60 years

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The company Google for 60 years had rented the NASA Federal airfield Moffett, situated in the Bay of San Francisco. The negotiations lasted from February 2014, but only managed to reach an agreement now.

During the lease,

the Company undertakes to pay NASA about $ 1.16 billion and restore Hangar One -hangar, built more than 80 years ago. One can only wonder why Google airfield.

It can be assumed that the company plans to make it a testing ground for development related to aviation, space and robotics.

It should be noted that the scope of Google and NASA have crossed in recent years: in December 2013, the "good" Corporation acquired Boston Dynamic is a robotics company, and in April 2014 bought Titan Aerospace manufacturers suborbital drones.

Source: NASA

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