Sunday, 23 November 2014 14:05

Texet released firmware X droid Android KitKat

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It is believed that if the big name companies like Samsung, HTC and Sony, are in no hurry to upgrade to the current version on the device, then wait for the manufacturers of the second and third Echelon is not

worth it at all.

teXet hurries to shatter the stereotype, releasing the firmware X-droid on Android 4.4 for the Tablet PC X-pad.

To microcodes are the following functions:

  • new icons and wallpapers;
  • the ability to update your tablet "by air";
  • File Manager based on CyanogenMod;
  • combined sections of memory that can be accessed on the MTP protocols;
  • enhanced data security;
  • other minor fixes.

The update is available on the website of the manufacturer for the following devices: X-pad Style 8 3 g X‑pad 3 g 8.1 Style X-Style pad 10 X-pad Style, 10 3 g and X-pad Style 10.1 3 g.

Source: teXet

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